Current & Recent Work

The Arts & Resiliency Gathering 2023

The Arts & Resiliency Gathering was held between Oct. 25th – 29th, 2023 at the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs. The multi-day event, with over 20 art workshops and 3 evening events united acclaimed artists who specialize in art-making that promotes resiliency and community well-being: The David Dorfman Dance Company, Stephanie Winters and Chris Rosser duo, Katie Down, music therapist,…
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In Reverence of a Blue Heart

Created in 2022 for the Polar Sounds project, a collaboration between Cities and Memory, the Helmholtz Institute for Functional Marine Biodiversity (HIFMB), and the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI). Jane Rigler creates a new world that mixes the call of a Blue Whale with bass flute and electronics. Blue whales are the Earth’s largest…
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About Jane Rigler | Photo by Reuben Dadding

About Jane Rigler

Jane Rigler, Ph.D., is a dynamic facilitator, flutist, composer, and coach, who organizes, guides, composes, and creates accessible and effective well-being experiences.

Deep Listening® & Sonic Spa Experience

Jane is a certified Deep Listening® Facilitator who offers multi-sensorial activities that are designed to orient, balance, restore, and renew the creative energy and well-being of the participants.

Jane Rigler | Certified Deep Listening Facilitator
Jane Rigler | Compositions & Projects

Compositions & Projects

Jane’s artistic projects explore relationships with nature, push the boundaries of the flute, incorporate movement, invent languages, and dive into dreamy microscopic sound worlds.

Performance Practice & Instruction

With over 35 years of experience performing on international stages, Jane offers insightful knowledge about flute techniques, stage presence, interactive electronics, and contemporary performance practice for all artists of any discipline.

Jane Rigler | Flute Performance & Instruction